Diana Scott’s Statement on the Importance of Passing the ECRA

On November 10, Diana Scott, along with two other Workers Circle activists, took part in a legislative visit with a staffer from Senator Feinstein of California’s office. They advocated for the passage of the Electoral Count Reform Act as well as expansive federal voting rights legislation. Read more about the Electoral Count Reform Act. Below is the statement Diana made during the meeting.

My name is Diana Scott. Since becoming eligible to vote in the 1960s, I have voted in every election. I was a poll watcher in college, and more recently, I have been a poll worker in San Francisco. I was raised in a family that valued fairness and truth. Professionally, I have valued publications committed to truth and fairness. I feel deeply concerned when some anti-democracy leaders use false claims of voter fraud to advance their own divisive political agendas. 

I’ve read a lot of history documenting how fascists came to power in Europe and the rise of totalitarianism in Germany and Russia. A friend reminded me that yesterday was the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, when organized paramilitary forces and some civilians vandalized Jewish shops all over Germany in parts of Austria in 1938. 

Our democracy will perish without fairness. This means both securing the process for certifying electoral votes and expanding protections nationwide for each citizen to cast their ballot and have it counted. 

i’m here because we can’t let false narratives about voter fraud weaken democracy’s guarantee of “one person, one vote.” I urge Senator Feinstein to do everything in her power to both secure passage of the Electoral Count Reform Act and to expand voting protections by urging her Senate colleagues to pass additional stronger national voting rights legislation.