The Brooklyn Workers Circle School


The Brooklyn Workers Circle School joined our national school network in 2015. This vibrant community of children, families, and talented educators welcomes everyone interested in Jewish cultural learning, joyous holiday celebrations, and social justice activism.

Based in Park Slope, our Brooklyn School invites students and families to become hands-on collaborators in their education. Together, we explore and strengthen our Jewish identities through music, dance, text study, art, and much more.

Our doors are open to all families, including interfaith, LGBTQ, single parents, and children with special needs. If you share our vision to build a shenere un besere velt far ale (“a better and more beautiful world for all” in Yiddish), there’s a place for you here!

We meet for classes twice a month on Sunday mornings, 10am-12pm, and for the occasional holiday celebration.

New “Circle Playtime” program for parents and infants – ages 6 months to 4 years. Program meets 10:15 AM– 11:00AM once a month on all Brooklyn school dates. Great opportunity for new families and younger siblings to join our community.

Please consider a gift to the Brooklyn School Tsukunft Fund which enables us to provide tuition subsidies to families in need and help underwrite special school programs including prominent guest speakers, artistic interactive programs, and school trips to sites around the city.

 Get To KNOW Our Brooklyn COMMUNITY: 

The Curriculum & Activism
Bar/Bas Mitsve Program
Leadership & Staff

Designed for students ages 5-13, our curriculum integrates all aspects of Jewish culture, including holidays, lifecycle events, history and immigration, Jewish communities around the world, and key Jewish heroes. Literature, art, music, food, and languages — Hebrew and Yiddish — are a part of everything we do.

When they’re not in the classroom, our students are out in the world taking action for social and economic justice. They share the Workers Circle’s 100+ year commitment to activism — a commitment that we weave into every layer of our school community. Together, our school families participate in advocacy campaigns at the local, state and national level, generating social change in our community and beyond.

In their final school year, Workers Circle students ages 12-13 prepare for their cultural Bar/Bas Mitsve. This unique cultural ceremony is a meaningful alternative to a more traditional synagogue service, and a signature Workers Circle program.

In collaboration with our educators, students dedicate the year to a core project of their choice in preparation for their Bar/Bas Mitsve; past projects include producing an oral history, creating original Yiddish poetry, and researching connections between modern social justice movements and Torah portions.

Students present their projects to family, friends, and the larger school community. This coming-of-age event marks the end of their time as a Workers Circle student, but is just the beginning of a new chapter as Workers Circle members and activists.

An Open and Affirming School Experience