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How Congress Works: A Master Class on Activism with Andrea Miller

  • Andrea Miller is the Founding Board Member of the Center for Common Ground, Executive Director of People Demanding Action, Founding President of the National Women’s Political Caucus of Virginia, and a member of the Democracy and Governance working group of the Virginia Green New Deal. Andrea is an IT and Political Director and a digital and elections strategist. She designs and administers digital phone banks and texting programs. From 2013 to 2015, she led the Progressive Round Table on Capitol Hill, bringing together members of Congress, activists, and non-profit leaders. Her expertise is in voting rights, climate, and the Equal Rights Amendment. She has successfully advocated for legislation on both the Federal and State level. In 2008 she was the Democratic nominee for the Virginia 4th Congressional district.

Here’s your chance to learn the ins and outs of federal government from one of the leading experts on voting rights and democracy, Andrea Miller, Founder of the Center for Common Ground. In this online master class you’ll learn about the branches of the federal government, how the government is funded, continuing resolutions, debt ceilings, budgets and more, all in one hour. Participation will be capped at 50 so register now!

March 20

The Yosl and Chana Mlotek Yiddish Song Collection at the Workers Circle Online Launch Event

March 22

Phonebank for Voting Rights