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John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day of Action

John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day of Action

The Late Congressman John Lewis shed his blood crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge to Fight for Black voters and Voters of Color to participate in America’s electoral Process and the enactment of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Today, voting rights are under attack at the state and federal level. People of Color and Young Voters are specifically targeted. Join the Workers Circle, the NAACP, the Transformative Justice Coalition, and over 200 social justice organizations for a National Day of Action on May 8.

We’ll demand the passage of the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and D.C. Statehood and to address one of the greatest obstacles to the passage of civil and voting rights – and one of the last vestiges of slavery – the filibuster! There will be a national broadcast as well as votercades (car parades) and rallies in over 100 cities. Register now through this special link to be part of the Workers Circle community that will show up virtually or in safe, socially distanced ways to make our voices heard!

May 7

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May 12

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