Statement on the Procedural Vote to Begin Debate on the Freedom to Vote Act

October 20, 2021

Contact: Karin Venegas,, 347-361-7049
Lynsey Billet,, 347-361-8449 

(NEW YORK) — Ann Toback, CEO of the Workers Circle, released the following statement about the Senate’s failure to advance the Freedom to Vote Act:

“This afternoon Republican senators used the filibuster to block debate on the Freedom to Vote Act, the most significant voting rights bill in a generation, that would protect our freedom to vote, ensure fair representation, and limit the influence of big money in elections. For weeks Senator Manchin reached out to Republicans to win support for this bill to no avail. On Monday, the Workers Circle organized a letter signed by sixty-six Jewish organizations and sent to every senator, urging their support for this bill.

The Freedom to Vote Act would establish national standards for voting to guarantee whatever your zip code, whatever your race, and whatever your physical ability, voters are able to cast their ballot and have it counted.

The Freedom to Vote Act is urgently needed to stop hundreds of anti-democratic state bills and 33 state laws that have raised deliberate barriers to voting for people of color, Native voters, low-income people, and physically challenged people. In some states it is now a criminal act to give food and water to voters waiting in long lines. And some of this state legislation even opens the door to overturning the legitimate results of elections. At stake is whether millions of voters will have their voices silenced by the anti-democratic machinations of the few.

This is a pivotal moment for our entire nation. The Workers Circle calls upon the Senate and President Biden to create a pathway forward for the Freedom to Vote Act by eliminating procedural barriers, like the filibuster rule, that has long been a tool to deny equality, and uphold their Constitutional duty to protect and defend our freedom to vote. We must not stand idly by; our democracy is at stake.”

About the Workers Circle

Founded more than 120 years ago, the Workers Circle (formerly known as the Workmen’s Circle) is a social justice organization that powers progressive Jewish identity through Jewish cultural engagement, Yiddish language learning, multigenerational education, and social justice activism. For over a century we have provided this 360-degree approach to Jewish identity-building. Through contemporary cultural programs, strategic social justice campaigns, vibrant Yiddish language classes, interactive educational experiences and more, we connect Jewish adults, kids and families of all affiliations with their cultural heritage, working to build a better and more beautiful world for all. Learn more at


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