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Henry Winkler Receives Jewish Culture and Activism Award With Daughter Zoe: “We Are Still Here”
Henry Winkler Receives Jewish Culture and Activism Award With Daughter Zoe: “We Are Still Here”
The Workers Circle presented the honor to the father and daughter at a private cocktail ceremony in Calabasas on May 2, 2024.

Must a Jewish Nonprofit Choose Sides? The Workers Circle featured in The NY Times
In case you missed it, the New York Times featured a story about why the Workers Circle has been a force for democracy and human rights in the United States, and has been lighting the way for the Jewish people and “preserving Yiddish identity” for 123 years and counting.

The Workers Circle responds to the US Supreme Court’s decision in Allen v. Milligan which ruled that Alabama violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Ann Toback CEO said,
In response to today’s U. S. Supreme Court decision in Allen v. Milligan which ruled that Alabama had violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by redrawing its Congressional map to dilute Black voters’ power and that ordered the state to redraw its Congressional map, Ann Toback CEO of the Workers Circle said,

Workers Circle Responds to White House National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the White House National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. Ann Toback, CEO of the Workers Circle responded to that plan: