Workers Circle Israel/Palestine Statement

May 19, 2021

The Workers Circle is a progressive Jewish social justice organization that since our founding in 1900 has embraced and forwarded a domestic social justice agenda. We have long supported a two-state solution for Israel/Palestine with equality, democracy and mutual security as the basis for the existence of both states.

The rapid escalation of violence and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza requires us to speak out now. As a global superpower and Israel’s closest ally, the US has a responsibility to do much more to end this escalation and to pursue policies that address the root causes of this conflict, including the ongoing occupation

We call upon the Biden Administration to prioritize brokering an immediate cease fire using all diplomatic means, including the conditioning of U.S, military aid to Israel, to bring an end to the ongoing and increasing violence towards Palestinians and Israelis.

The Workers Circle affirms our ongoing support for the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. As we continue our work for justice and equity here in the US, we are grateful to all organizations who are working on the root causes that will bring lasting justice, peace and statehood for Israelis and Palestinians alike.


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