Sponsorship Opportunities for
the Workers Circle 2021 Virtual Benefit
Your support allows us to offer this inspiring evening at no cost to our community and supports programs for our youth activists. There are several different levels of sponsorship and tribute ads for you to support the Workers Circle Virtual Benefit:

LEADER — $25,000
All benefits listed for Advocate included, plus:
A full-page digital tribute ad that will highlight sponsorship on the Workers Circle website prior to the event and during the event, coverage in an event media advisory and press release highlighting Leader and Champion Sponsorships, and four dedicated social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram reaching an audience of at least 15,000 people crediting each Leader Sponsor.
An opportunity to provide a 20-second personal greeting for the Workers Circle special celebratory video to be shown at event and also shared on the organization’s website and social media channels.
Corporate logo or name listing included in 6 eNewsletters distributed to more than 12,000 members of the Workers Circle community.
Featured in 2 printed newsletters with distribution of 7,000.
Featured in one dedicated email of Leader and Champion level sponsors and in 6 promotional emails leading up to the benefit.

CHAMPION — $15,000
All benefits listed for Advocate included, plus:
A half-page digital tribute ad during the event, highlighted sponsorship on the Workers Circle website prior to the event and throughout the event, coverage in an event media advisory and press release highlighting Leader and Champion Sponsorships, and 2 dedicated social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram reaching audience of at least 15,000 crediting each Champion Sponsor.
An opportunity to provide a 15-second personal greeting for the Workers Circle special celebratory video to be shown at event and also shared on the organization’s website and social media channels.
Corporate logo or name listing included in three bi-monthly eNewsletters distributed to more than 12,000 members of the Workers Circle community.
Featured in 2 printed newsletters with distribution of 7,000.
Featured in one dedicated email of Diamond and Platinum level sponsors and in 4 promotional emails leading up to the benefit.

ADVOCATE — $10,000
A VIP kit to help create a personalized viewing party experience.
An opportunity to provide a 10-second personal greeting for the Workers Circle special celebratory video to be shown at event and also shared on the organization’s website and social media channels.
Featured in 2 promotional emails leading up to the benefit.
Half page video screen tribute loop during the event.
Featured with: Listing in eNewsletter, link on the Workers Circle website and mentions in social media posts.
Opportunity to place a promotional piece in viewing party kits, verbal acknowledgment during program, a half-page digital tribute ad displayed on our website prior to the event and during the event, and sponsorship highlighted on the Workers Circle website.

SUPPORTER — $5,000
Listing in bi-monthly eNewsletter, link on the Workers Circle website and mentions in social media posts.
A VIP kit to help create a personalized house watch party experience.
Quarter page video screen tribute loop during the event.
Sponsorship highlighted on the Workers Circle website.

EDUCATOR — $2,500
• A VIP kit to help create a personalized house party experience.
• Quarter page video screen tribute loop during event.
• Sponsorship highlighted on the Workers Circle website.
A Big Thank You to our Sponsors
LEADER — $25,000
ADVOCATE — $10,000
Greater New York Hospital Association
SUPPORTER — $5,000
Robert and Marcia Kaplan
Nina and Daniel Libeskind
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
EDUCATOR — $2,500
Mickey Green and Rob Stulberg
Richard Rumelt
Jay and Patricia Sackman

Please consider submitting a sponsorship ad for your company, or to honor our awardee, NYPNU, or consider purchasing a tribute listing in honor of the frontline workers in your life or pay tribute to the memory of someone you lost to COVID. Sponsorship ads and tribute listings will be featured on our website, in emails to our community, and displayed during the Virtual Benefit.
For a $180 donation, The Workers Circle is offering a special opportunity to honor a frontline worker or remember someone lost to COVID-19 with a tribute listing (name and profession or a few words about her/his/their profession or hobbies.) These listings will be featured on our website and during the Virtual Benefit.
(all event sponsors receive complimentary ads as noted for each level of sponsorship).
Deadline for Sponsorship Ad Content is Friday, September 24.
To place an ad or submit a name listing, please contact Jaime Gorelick at 212-889-6800, ext. 821 or email her at events@circle.org.

The Workers Circle is proud to honor the New York Professional Nurses Union (NYPNU) with our inaugural Heroes of the Workforce/Arbeters Heldn Award. NYPNU represents the nurses of Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, one of the first hospitals in the country to serve on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.