Dovid Katz

Dovid Katz is a native of New York City who went on to found and lead Yiddish studies at Oxford for 18 years (1978-1997), and, after a stint as visiting professor at Yale (1998-1999), relocated to Vilnius, Lithuania in 1999. He is the author of Grammar of the Yiddish Language; Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish; Lithuanian Jewish Culture; and Yiddish and Power (in English); Issues in Yiddish Stylistics (in Yiddish), numerous works on Yiddish linguistics, and four volumes of Yiddish fiction, most recently Einstein of Svir and Other Short Stories (Leyvik House, 2020). He is currently at work on his Yiddish Cultural Dictionary: English-Yiddish Dictionary for the 21st Century (available free online). He edits, a web journal at the forefront of efforts to counter the new East European incarnations of Holocaust denial. Many of his writings (including his translation-in-progress of the Bible into Lithuanian Yiddish) are posted on his website:


Eve Jochnowitz


Dov-Ber Kerler