Eve (bottom row, middle) protesting on the Senate steps with Noelle (left) and 27 other faith leaders, students, and activists in January 2022.  

My name is Eve, and I’m a feminist activist, writer, and public speaker. For the past five years, I have worked in grassroots organizing on international, national, and local levels—based in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I grew up. My activism has always centered around women and gender minorities, specifically reproductive justice: from abortion rights to the advocacy for sexual/domestic violence survivors. Living in one of the most gerrymandered states in the country, and fighting for issues that I couldn't vote on, were good breeding grounds for a strong passion for voting rights.  

I first heard about the Workers Circle almost three years ago. Noelle, the Director of Social Justice, and I were brought together by Un-PAC, an organization I had worked for during their inaugural campaign to pass the nonpartisan democracy reform legislation For the People Act. Un-PAC organized nonviolent civil disobedience on the Senate steps to protest voting rights after the For The People Act was filibustered, and transformed into the Freedom to Vote John R Lewis Act. That Washington, DC winter was my first time getting arrested; it was perhaps Noelle’s 18th – she’s lost count! At 16 years old, I was the only minor at the protest, and separated from the rest of the group. Zip-tied and detained for nearly three hours, sitting in a bus with five police officers, I felt an overwhelming sense of purpose. It is one of my greatest prides to have stood alongside faith leaders, students, and activists putting their bodies on the line for democracy. I don’t plan to stop. 

Now living in New York City, I am an organizer intern for the Workers Circle, having closely followed the organization since I discovered it. Growing up as a Jewish woman in Utah taught me to fight for my culture, my rights, and the rights of my community. The Workers Circle fights for those values together, as they should be. I am thrilled to work alongside such a dedicated, involved community and look forward to the incredible progress ahead. 


