My name is Sara Maltzman and I live in San Diego, California. I am a devoted Workers Circle member;  The Workers Circle is my spiritual, cultural, and political home.

I graduated high school in 1969 and moved from L.A. to Oregon. In Oregon, I actively supported the United Farm Workers; picketed with striking papermill workers; worked to end the Vietnam war, including marching in the San Francisco October and November 1969 Moratoriums; and protested the U.S. government’s targeting and murder of Black Panther Party members. In 1974, I had an abortion. I was very aware of how fortunate I was because Roe v. Wade made abortion legal just one year prior. From that point forward, it has been important to me to speak up for abortion access and reproductive rights.

 During my career as a licensed psychologist in California, I tried to live my values by working to improve the quality and delivery of services to clients in the public mental health system. I provided consultation to County agencies and staff, and served on County and State Task Forces convened to improve the quality of mental health services for foster youth. In 2004-5, I also was a consultant for Survivors of Torture, International in San Diego.

In retirement, one of my priorities is to learn Yiddish. Since 2021, I’ve been fortunate to be in Baruch Blum’s Advanced Beginners Yiddish schmues. I’ve also been active on the Reproductive Freedom For All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) San Diego Action Council. Eve Thompson-Brown’s inspiring d’var on reproductive justice for Rosh Hashone this fall felt like basheret to me – a true call to work as a Workers Circle member in promoting reproductive justice. Thank you, Eve, and the Workers Circle!

Photo was taken in Congressman Mike Levin’s office in San Diego, CA on August 25, 2023 with Reproductive Freedom for All (previously known as NARAL)  thanking him for being a consistent supporter of legislation promoting reproductive freedom.

Left to right: Aileen Arellano, Coordinator for Southern California Reproductive Freedom For All; Sylvia Arellano, Repro Freedom supporter; Lorraine Esgate, Chair of the Reproductive Freedom For All San Diego Action Council; Sara Maltzman.


