The Workers Circle Responds to Introduction of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

August 18, 2021

Contact: Karin Venegas,, 347-361-7049
Lynsey Billet,, 347-361-8449 

(NEW YORK) - Today, Ann Toback, CEO of the Workers Circle, responded to the introduction of the of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R.4) yesterday in the House of Representatives:

The Workers Circle welcomes the introduction of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act by the House of Representatives which will restore the power of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) to protect every voter against discrimination. For a generation the VRA had bi-partisan support for its reauthorization and expansion. The VRA served as a bulwark against discrimination until the Supreme Court eviscerated its core protections in 2013. Since then, partisan politicians have fashioned laws designed to cherrypick and exclude voters to serve their own political interests, rather than uphold every citizen’s right to vote which is the cornerstone of our democracy.

Hundreds of bills have been introduced in 48 state legislatures this year, erecting deliberate barriers to the vote for people of color, newer voters, and physically challenged voters. Thirty of these bills have already been signed into law. Hanging in the balance is the right of millions of Americans to cast their vote and have it counted.

The late Congressman John Lewis, may his memory be for a blessing and inspiration, and thousands of civil rights activists whose names are not as well known, put their lives on the line to convince this nation to end Jim Crow and deliver on its promise of equality by guaranteeing the right to vote. Today we draw strength from their moral memory and call on Congress to pass The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act as well as the For the People Act, and not let the filibuster stand in the way of ensuring our democracy works for all of us.


Workers Circle responds to introduction of The Freedom to Vote Act


The Workers Circle Responds to Obstruction of Critical Voting Rights Bill