The Workers Circle Responds to the Election of Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris

The Workers Circle CEO Ann Toback issued the following statement regarding the election of former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris:

Mazel tov to President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris – our nation’s first woman and first person of color to be elected to the Vice Presidency – on their victory, which was marked by the highest voter turnout rates in our nation’s history.

The historic turnout for our democratic election process was achieved thanks to the combined efforts of so many individuals and organizations, including our own, that worked to equip and mobilize voters – especially voters of color – in states with long histories of voter suppression. The American people were determined to make their voices heard and our democratic system, though challenged, held firm. But holding firm is not enough.

At the Workers Circle, we will continue our activism to transform our democracy into one that guarantees every citizen can vote without fear, actively works to undo racism, protects immigrants and refugees, and defends the rights of workers in pursuit of economic justice for all.”

About the Workers Circle

Founded in 1900 and celebrating its 120th anniversary in 2020, the Workers Circle (formerly known as the Workmen’s Circle) is a social justice organization that powers progressive Jewish identity through Jewish cultural engagement, Yiddish language learning, multigenerational education, and social justice activism. For over a century we have provided this 360-degree approach to Jewish identity-building. Through contemporary cultural programs, strategic social justice campaigns, vibrant Yiddish language classes, interactive educational experiences and more, we connect Jewish adults, kids and families of all affiliations with their cultural heritage, working to build a better and more beautiful world for all. 


The Workers Circle Urges Congress to Swiftly Pass the ‘For the People Act’


The Workers Circle and JALSA file amicus brief against voter intimidation