The Workers Circle Urges Congress to Swiftly Pass the ‘For the People Act’

January 5, 2021

(NEW YORK) — Ann Toback, CEO of the Workers Circle, issued the following statement urging Congress to act quickly to pass the For the People Act:

“This week the 117th Congress begins its work and soon a new president and vice president will be in place. We believe that strengthening our democracy must be our elected officials’ first priority. We commend Speaker Pelosi, Chairperson Lofgren, and Representative Sarbanes for re-introducing the For the People Act (H.R.1) yesterday and the Workers Circle urges its swift passage by Congress. 

The For the People Act will restore and protect voting rights, reform a broken political system, and hold elected officials accountable. Further, this Act will end or rectify policies that have massively suppressed the vote of people of color, make voting more accessible, and strengthen protections against intimidation. This bold package of comprehensive reforms speaks to the desire of American voters for a fair system that restores their voices and power.

Our organization was founded by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe whose collective activism for representation in the workplace and participation in all aspects of our democracy gave birth to the modern labor movement. We draw upon their fierce activist legacy today as we call on Congress to pass the For the People Act to ensure our government is truly of, by, and for the people.”


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