The Workers Circle Urges Congress to Stand for Democracy and Accountability

January 7, 2021

(NEW YORK) — CEO Ann Toback has issued the following statement on behalf of the Workers Circle:

“Yesterday, President Trump incited a violent attack on our nation’s democracy and its people in a vain attempt to remain in power, addressing and encouraging an armed mob of his supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol while the 2020 election results were being certified by Congress. This insurrection followed months of President Trump refusing to condemn violent threats against elected officials and urging the overturn of our electoral process. President Trump’s actions have violated his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The Workers Circle, a progressive Jewish organization, calls on the Vice President to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove Trump from office and for Congress to take the steps required to immediately begin impeachment proceedings.

Yesterday we watched in horror as the “People’s House” was invaded and desecrated.  As a Jewish organization, our collective memory is rife with the terrible dangers of unchecked leaders who foment violence and use political instability for their own aims.

We also denounce and demand accountability from those elected Members of Congress who lied to the American people about the election’s results and refused to certify them, placing their own political agenda above our country. These officials failed their oaths and should resign or be removed.

We decry the inaction of the U.S. Capitol Police, who stood by while white insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, and the too-slow mobilization of the national guard. The restrained posture of law enforcement in the face of an aggressive, white mob stands in stark and shameful contrast to their suppressive and violent response to the peaceful, mass protests led by People of Color for racial equality and an end to police brutality in Washington, DC and across the nation.

Violence and autocracy will not have the final word. We will remain steadfast together with millions of Americans across this nation who are committed to uphold and strengthen our democracy for the good of all its people.”


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